My dad tells me that writing short stories

is like walking into a room

full of furniture,

weaving between the tables and chairs

and leaving without knocking anything over.

amanda mabel upside down again
Photo courtesy of Amanda Mabel


I write poetry.

I have learned a lot from my father.

I arrange him in poems

like dining room tables and chairs.


I tell him the difference between

poems and stories

is the way you treat the furniture.

When I leave a room I knock everything over.





Arielle TragerArielle Trager is a recent graduate of Wesleyan University and a future high school educator. She was coach of Wesleyan’s 2014 Inter-Collegiate Slam Poetry Team, has performed at regional poetry slams in the northeast, and was featured at the Bang Said the Gun Poetry Show in London. Her work also appears in Bitterzoet Magazine.



Amanda Mabel is a fashion and portrait photographer living in Sydney, Australia. Originally from Singapore, she moved to Perth in 2011, then Sydney in 2012. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) (Honours) at the University of Sydney. In her free time, she loves taking photographs, travelling to beautiful places, and drinking tea. She also happens to blog for Vogue Australia Spy Style. She maintains a website at and can be found on:  Instagram  Facebook  LinkedIn  Pinterest  Tumblr  Bloglovin Flickr.

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