If you wake up and realize you forgot to plan your summer, don’t worry; you can still take charge of your summer and artsify it!  Try a little Summer Art 101.

  • Make a DIY! From button bowls to refurbished dressers, there are hundreds of crafts and cool things to make.
  • Take a drawing class! Even if you’re a pro, you can still take art classes at your community center to perfect your skills.
  • Go paintballing! Whether you’re making an abstract painting or nailing your friends, it’s a for sure fun-booster.
  • Grab some chalk and beautify your driveway!
  • Make some $! Grab your paintings and see how much you can make.
  • Make some cool treats. Check out Rosanna Pansino’s Nerdy Nummies.
  • Audition for a play or a musical! To start, check out community play houses in your area.
  • Direct a play! Make a script, set up a stage in your backyard or local playground, and have kids be in it; it’ll be cute for you and their parents.
  • Make a music video! Get your favorite song, invite your friends over, and let the magic begin. Bonus: post it on YouTube and see if it goes viral!
  • Sign up for classes at your local dance studio.
  • Jam out to your favorite tunes and create choreography!
  • Go to a dance or host a party at your house!
  • Take classes to learn a new instrument or to further your knowledge in one you already know.
  • Learn a song off YouTube! There are plenty of tutorials and songs out there.
  • Be a DJ at an event.
  • Compose or write a song!
  • Go to a summer music festival or to any other concerts!


It is never too late to have fun with your artsy side, so take your summer and artsify it!

Best of luck!

“Life is inherently risky. There is only one big risk you should avoid doing at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” — Denis Waitley



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