“You look disgusting.” This was just one of the many rude, horrible comments that YouTuber My Pale Skin received after posting pictures of herself without makeup on social media. This video is a compilation of some of the comments she received about her face and about her acne both with and without makeup.

When she doesn’t wear makeup, people call her ugly. When she does wear makeup, people criticize her for wearing too much makeup and say that she’s “false advertising.” She received the comment “You look disgusting” when she was both with and without makeup. She just can’t win since either way people are criticizing her for her appearance.

Personally, I think she’s beautiful. She has gorgeous eyes and a phenomenal bone structure. If covering up her acne and wearing makeup makes her happier and more confident, then power to her.

Words are powerful. Words can make our day brighter, or they can make our week darker. Funny how it’s usually the negative comments that stay with us longer and make a bigger impact.

There’s become a disconnect over comments on social media. People say things in comments sections that they would never say to someone’s face (I hope). We need to remember that behind every computer screen and behind every screenname is a person — a person with feelings and insecurities.

Makeup is a powerful tool. I personally don’t want girls to feel like they have to hide behind makeup. Every girl should be able to be bare-faced and feel beautiful with who she is. However, makeup can also give girls an extra-boost of confidence, and some girls just love cosmetics and trying new looks; and, there’s nothing wrong with that. If a girl is being bold and deciding to show her bare face to the world, encourage her. If a girl is happy with her makeup, either because she just likes the look or because she’s covering up insecurities, don’t put her down for it.

If we had a society that was built on encouragement and support instead of hasty judgments and heartless opinions, we would live in a much better world, where people would actually feel safe enough to be themselves.

It’s time to go back to the age-old adage: “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.”


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