In what is perhaps the most exciting news to come from the Marvel Cinematic Universe in weeks, Oscar-winning actress Lupita Nyong’o joins the cast of the upcoming film Black Panther, set to be released on February 16, 2018! On a scheduling note, the Black Panther movie was originally supposed to be a 2017 release, but it was pushed back. Rumors point to 2017’s Spider-Man: The Homecoming since Marvel recently bought the Spider-Man rights back from Sony. Similarly, Captain Marvel — Marvel’s only planned female-led film — was going to be released in 2018 but was pushed to 2019. Sucks, right? Get it together, Marvel.
But back to the topic at hand. Lupita Nyong’o has been cast in Black Panther, and it’s exciting news! The talented Kenyan-Mexican actress has only been in four feature films — three of them being highly acclaimed. Disney has been in talks with Nyong’o for a fifth movie with them as she continues to work for the company and its subsidiaries.
Her character in Black Panther is rumored to be the love interest of T’challa, King of Wakanda (played by the gorgeous Chadwick Boseman). Although T’challa in the comics was once married to Storm (think X-Men), Storm’s character rights are with FOX, so Disney can’t exactly drag her name into the MCU’s plot. But don’t fret, for Nyong’o’s role might possibly be Dora Milaje, a Wakandan noble who serves the king as one of his personal bodyguards. If you’ve seen Captain America: Civil War already, you might probably notice one of T’challa’s fierce bodyguards in a scene with Black Widow. Although this is only speculation from some fans, there’s a higher chance of it happening.
We may not know much, but what we do know is this: Lupita Nyong’o will do a fantastic job! From an Oscar-winning performance in 12 Years A Slave to her CGI character Maz Kanata in Star Wars: The Force Awakens, she’s already proven herself as a strong woman in the world of Hollywood. The chance to portray a possibly badass character in a Marvel movie might just solidify her powerful image in the industry.
Black Panther is part of Marvel’s Phase 3 and will premiere in theaters on February 16, 2018, unless further changes happen. But for now, let’s just be happy that there are more women in the MCU, and they just might break the standard in the next Marvel phase!