A smoky haze o’erspreads the sky
And clouds don’t hold water no more–
They rain not raindrops but ashes;
And ignorance still flows rampant
Through the dust, smoke, and particles.
Sight stops mere inches from my face,
A mystic veil blackens the air;
Blackens the lungs of the breathing;
Blackens the throats of the talking;
But amidst this blackening there’s
A creation, a glow, radiance
Of something new, of someone who
Cannot be led, mustn’t follow.
A smoky haze o’erspreads the sky
Still, thirty days past genesis,
And this hanging ash clogs our lungs
Still, lids our eyes, enters our minds:
Ashes over our thinking like
This reverse progression of us,
But you’re still growing, progressing
Smiling, a light in this darkness
Spreading hope in our leaden hearts
And the grey sky turns to clear blue.




Soham Bagchi is a high school student living in Gurgaon, India. He writes poetry and prose (enjoys structured verse), listens to music, and has many other interests, all tied together by his determination and passion. You can find more of his work at sohambagchi.wordpress.com.

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