If I were paper, you could be water;
And I’d allow you to seep into my skin,
Not bothering how wrinkled I’d get right after.

You could also be fire;
You’d burn me to ashes,
But I’d love to feel your warmth all over.

Or you could be ink;
And leave me with our story,
Of how desperate I was for the love you could give.





Aiyana is currently living in the Philippines. She’s almost a lady but still doesn’t know what to do with her life. The only thing clear to her is her passion to read and write, so she decided to pursue her dream of being with literature and grammar. So now, Aiyana is halfway to being an English teacher in high school. She is also, like every other person, on a roller coaster ride of bliss and depression. But, she’s getting through it by writing and reading and getting totally lost in her own thoughts.

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