Q:  Dear Lara – What is the most important thing I need to know as I get ready to graduate college?  Like what is the one thing they should have taught me but didn’t during the past four years?

A: This is a great question! Being in my last year of college myself, I have asked this question over and over to people who are at the place I want to be within the next few years. After all, they obviously did things right, so why not ask them? The person who gave me the best advice has the perfect job. Let’s call her Darla.


Darla told me not to rush anything, and to do what I feel is right (in other words, follow my instincts) because sometimes things happen when you’re in the right place at the right time. Basically, you don’t need to rush everything. Graduating college is overwhelming, but it’s also the first time you don’t have to wake up for a class. What you decide to do the first year you’re out can always be changed. The first job you have is not necessarily your career. Enjoy this time in your life!  And be open to what comes next, whatever that may be.

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