Q: Dear Lara, I am just finishing up my freshman year in college, and, even though it was great, I had no time to do anything for myself. Now, summer is coming along, and I want to make the best of it so that, once junior year comes by, I’ll have great memories to keep myself going through the year. Any ideas?
A: Well, I’m glad you asked because I am actually planning out my summer after college. There are so many things one wants to do and so little time! Here is an idea of what I’m doing: Everyday I am trying to write down one thing on my bucket list, and, at the end of the week, I am putting what is most important (and realistic) at the top of the list. Throughout the summer I’m going to go down the list and try to accomplish as much as possible, such as taking a road trip that lasts more then a week, eating a whole pizza without feeling bad about it, and watching the last three episodes of Felicity because it is really about time that I do that. This is the time to experience the exciting things in life, so make sure to get out there and accomplish them rather then putting them off! You never know when you will get this chance again.