campHey, Germs!  Camp NaNoWriMo is finished!  If any of you were participating, I hope you completed your goal.  I finished with a few hours to spare and 200 extra words, for a month-long total of 40,200.  The actual project I was working on has over 80,000 words, though.

I really enjoyed working within the confines of Camp NaNoWriMo.  The flexible goal was perfect.  Being able to set my overall goal was probably the only reason I succeeded despite a rough month in terms of work and health (boo summer colds!).

Another part of camp that I really liked was the cabin system.  While I had a very quiet cabin, for the most part, I did gain one really cool writing buddy.  I hope that Germs who participated were able to connect with writers and make friends.  It’s always more fun to be working with a friend; you can push each other to do better!

So, my Camp NaNoWriMo experience was a big success.  I will definitely be participating next July.  This is a great opportunity for writers who want to increase their output but don’t have the time for the full NaNoWriMo in November because of the flexible goal.  Plus, there’s a great built-in support system with the cabins.  And, if you’re shy, you can request your friends if you know their screenname.

Congratulations to everyone who won!

I will start gearing up for full NaNoWriMo soon!

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