I stumbled upon a Yahoo! article last week titled “Bumble and bumble Founder Says No One Will Use Shampoo in 5 Years.” My first thoughts were: …
Sorority Houses in South Prove Racism Still Exists
I couldn’t exactly tell you how many times I’ve heard people go on about how we are completely diversified in America or that racism was eliminated …
Teens Create App To Combat Police Brutality
Since the crisis in Ferguson, Missouri, has caused mass confusion and uncertainty regarding the topic of police brutality, three teenagers in Georgia have created an …
Women in Brazil Forced to Prove Virginity
Women around the world have been forced to undergo humiliating, oppressive, and invasive procedures in order to abide the laws and practices of their country. …
Maryam Mirzakhani: First Female to Win Fields Medal
The Fields Medal is a mathematics award honoring a few mathematicians, traditionally under the age of 40, every four years for outstanding and/or highly influential research. …
Unrest in Ferguson over Murder of Unarmed Teen
Protests and riots have broken out in the St. Louis area in reaction to the murder of Mike Brown, an unarmed 18-year-old who was shot …
Farewell, Captain
“Why can’t we treat death with a certain amount of humanity and dignity, and decency, and God forbid – maybe even humor?” – Robin Williams, …
RIP Robin Williams
Junior year of high school for me was filled with honors and AP classes, the pressure of college looming, and the ever-present need to get …
Memoirs of a Little Revolutionary
Before I start, let me tell you something. I’ve never considered myself a patriotic person. Yes, I love my country, but I admit that I …