My science textbook tells me that stars are flaming balls of gas, all but the sun light years away from us, probably dead by the …
Crying Stardust by Sydney Tatum
Sometimes when I lie awake at night, when I grow weary of the electronic hum from my household devices and the symphony of snoring from …
Oasis by Lillie Busch
My skin bakes beneath my clothes. Dusty dry ground crackles beneath our feet. There is a low humming of bugs, and I know that I’ll …
Verses by Darby Joyce
At the time, I was introduced to most of the books I knew by my grandfather. On days when his back ached, he would retire …
Thoughts from a Train by Vivien Lin
9:46AM For a Quiet Carriage there is a surprising number of yobs behind me, chattering and screeching away like a family of chimps. From what …
She Called Rape by Victoria
Warning: graphic content. This is a true story about the most traumatic thing that has happened in my life. Even though I have suffered the …
Being Mary by Shelby Padgett
The first year I was asked, I was in fifth grade. A good friend of mine had told me minutes earlier that she hoped to …
Untitled by Tiferet Schafler
I didn’t begin piano for pleasure. In fifth grade, math was my nemesis, an unremitting struggle. I felt myself a free spirit, not to be …
Nineteen Llamas and Counting by Elsa Eckenrode
I have always been the hoarder of the family. Picture a room with nametags from 2nd grade, a variety of pens and pencils, schoolwork that …