Rona’s lovely thoughts on November:
While I always have a feeling that November should be all about free afternoons spent snuggled up in bed, tea, the last remains of autumn, appreciating the place I call home and just spending lots of time contemplating, the reality tends to look different. Lately, every aspect of my life has been quite busy, although I wouldn’t be able to pinpoint why. I don’t think much has changed apart from having more uni than I am used to, so maybe it’s just me. People often say that during winter they are less motivated to do stuff, and although for me it’s always been different, maybe my body agrees. It just seems like I don’t get around to doing a lot, mostly when it comes to daily things. But while that would usually lead to me being stressed out and everything getting a bit too much, November is just always a time of quiet for me. For some reason, it feels easier to take a break even if I don’t feel like I have enough time. And some days actually end up being spent in bed although there is so much to do, because that’s just what I need. So in the end, even if the true November moments are rare, this still is my favorite time of the year.