but still someone
grabbed my ass
in Akihabara – Electric
Town – Geek City – Land
of the Otaku – My
guidebook mentioned
that groping could happen
on crowded subways, but I never
thought it would happen to me;
that anyone would pinch
my extra folds of flesh.
I turned, looking for the assailant,
trying not to feel
somewhat flattered.
I was fat in Japan.
I was an American
stereotype. A mythological
being created to steer tween
Japanese girls away
from cheeseburgers.
I was fat in Japan.
I can’t say that in Japanese.
The only words I successfully learned
were gohan for rice, tamago for egg,
sumimasen for excuse me for taking up
your space, and arigato for thanks –
thankful the sales girls didn’t snicker
when I shopped the Harajuku stores
that only seemed to stock
what we Americans – we gaijin –
would size as Medium or smaller.
I was fat in Japan,
wearing my XXL navy hoodie
from Eddie Bauer, dark colored jeans,
simple Birkenstock walking shoes,
long hair, and what I hoped
was an expression
plain enough
that I could pass unseen
because there was nothing
I could do to make me fit in.