Dear 15-year-old me,

I know life is hard right now. But you will get through this; I promise you will because you are very strong. You might feel like everyone is against you and the world is a bad place to live in. But truth be told, the world is not a bad place, and not everyone is against you. You have very good parents who support you, and I hope you talk to them about what you feel. They will help. You are not a burden to them. So go and talk to them. I know some people are making fun of you because they think you are fat. But they can’t accept that you are comfortable in your own skin. Don’t let those people get to you.

Life is not easy. It’s going to have its up and downs. You’ve got to hang in there, and don’t give up. Don’t ever give up on yourself, whatever happens. I know you have this burden of passing your classes. You think you can’t do it because you have an average score, and there are people who are smarter than you who will get good grades and have all the success in life. Yeah, they might get success; so will you. There are always going to be people who are better than you at everything, but you can always be the kind and brave person you are because these are the things people do differently.

Please don’t ever doubt yourself; you are capable of doing amazing things. I won’t tell you that a few years down the lane we are going to be famous or we are not struggling. The truth is that I am still trying to accept myself, and there are those dark days, but there are fewer of those than before. Life is getting better. It might take us 10 years or more than that to love ourselves again, but we are going to do it.

I want you to know you are overcoming your fears each day little by little. You are not hiding yourself or just disappearing in the crowds. You are standing out. You are going to progress little by little. Remember to always keep on reading, and write down how you feel; it helps a lot. Books are your best friend; they have taught you many things when you needed them. So always keep on reading. You are going be fine. Don’t worry too much about the future. You are going to be fine. Learn to live in the moment. Because you don’t know what’s going to happen next. Instead of worrying about things that you still don’t know about, be happy. DON’T PROCRASTINATE YOUR WORK. Please do whatever work you have on time because if you don’t, you will stress yourself out.

Lastly, I just want to tell you that it’s going to get better. Maybe not now, but some day in the future. Please have that hope. And be confident about yourself. Always keep on smiling. It will get better.

Your future self,





Priyanka Mane is a law student. She loves reading and writing stories. When she’s not reading or writing, she loves to watch Marvel or DC movies. Mostly you will find her in a library or behind her laptop thinking about new stories to write. Sometimes you will find her studying.

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