20141030_170525There are a lot of different traditional dishes that you might be serving this Thanksgiving. For example, turkey, stuffing, and cranberries might appear on your dinner table. With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I decided to try and find a daring, different recipe to put on our Thanksgiving table. The recipe I tried was a twist on jellied cranberries.


  • 1 bag frozen cranberries with instructions on back for jellied cranberries
  • ¾ cup finely chopped cilantro
  • ¾ cup finely chopped green onions
  • 1 very small pinch red pepper
  • 1 block of cream cheese


  1. Prepare the cranberries as instructed on the bag to make jellied cranberries.
  2. While the cranberries are cooling, add the cilantro, green onions, and red pepper.
  3. Stir the ingredients.
  4. Find a nice serving bowl to serve the dish in.
  5. Put the block of cream cheese in the dish.
  6. Spread the cream cheese so it covers the entire bottom of the dish.
  7. Pour the cranberry mixture over the cream cheese.


Enjoy with your favorite kind of cracker or pita chip.


It only took me about 15 minutes to make this recipe. When it was finished, I wasn’t sure exactly how good it was going to taste because of all of the contrasting flavors. Overall, though, it tasted amazing. I would definitely serve this at my Thanksgiving dinner.

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