There was perfection in everything
A blossoming orchid from a seed that fell
An accidental miracle
A simple saving grace
Becoming reliant like a drug
A sweet disguised venom flooding my veins
I was a marionette
With a magnetic attraction
I could trace infinity on his palm
Let an hour pass by blinking
Waste the perfection because it was eternal
And then I lost his full attention
Then there was chasing, leaping, desperation
Losing faith, clinging helplessly
Always a safety net
Though of poison ivy, still comfortable–
Too much so.
I thought I had blunted the knife
But each lie has a razor sharp tooth
All I had was a cotton wool shield
I couldn’t protect him enough
And then I lost his trust
White lilies blossomed
But on the rooftops of hell
Oh the beauty
But a simple façade
A heavenly warning
Accompanying my blissful ignorance
Until he severed the stems
And then I lost his love
Nostalgic reruns in technicolor
Absorbed in the rose scented moments
Ethereal, it was only temporary
Pieces of the film missing
Memories disintegrated
And then I lost my mind
But he never truly disappeared
A resurrection plant
He could return, an anaesthetic
And then I lost control
But the irises died and I long for their return
And then I lost him for good
Chloë Jessica is a 16-year-old from the UK. She’s been writing poetry and short stories for about 6 months. Literature is one of her passions alongside music. Some of her favorite authors include Veronica Roth, John Green, and, of course, Jennifer Niven.
Cassoday Harder is a twenty-year-old photographer inspired by youth, femininity, and summer. View more of her work on Flickr or visit her website.