Here’s the thing. I don’t know a single thing about racism in the USA — probably because I live in Hungary (yes, I know, I’m a genius) — but this doesn’t mean that I don’t know about racism. I think that in every culture/country there exists a minority that is being oppressed. Here, it’s the gypsies — maybe on a whole different level, but still.

And, of course, all of us have heard about John Green. You know, the guy who wrote the The Fault in Our Stars and a bunch of other amazing books. He is also known for his YouTube channel vlogbrothers, on which he makes videos with his brother Hank. So recently, John tweeted this:
john green 1

So I was waiting for that video for a long time, and here it finally is:


I didn’t know racism was such a big problem in the US. Of course I heard a lot of stuff after the Ferguson accident, but this video really made me think. In the video’s description box on YouTube, you can find a lot of information, sources, interviews, etc. Let’s try to change this situation together, shall we?


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