Dirt cups are fun any time of the year, but we just put a special twist on them to make them great for St. Patrick’s Day. We used the recipe for normal dirt cups, but we died the pudding green! This gave it the little extra spark it needed to worm its way onto anyone’s St. Patrick’s Day menu.


  • mint Oreos (Our local store didn’t have the normal mint ones, so we got the bite sized ones, and they worked just as well!)
  • 1 box large vanilla pudding
  • 1 box small vanilla pudding
  • green food dye
  • 8 ounces cream cheese
  • ¼ cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
  • ½ tablespoon peppermint extract
  • ½ pint heavy whipping cream
  • gummy worms



Step 1

Crush the Oreos. A lot. When you are done smashing the Oreos in a plastic bag, they should be baby bits and crumbs.IMG_0857



Step 2

Make the pudding much like is says on the box, but with a catch. Only put in ½ the amount of milk it tells you to. This makes the pudding thicker, and it works a lot better.IMG_0868



Step 3

Let the pudding set, and add your green food coloring. I put the pudding into two bowls and made it two different shades of green. This just added a little more spark for me!IMG_0939



Step 4

In a mixing bowl, mix the sugar, vanilla extract, peppermint extract, and cream cheese. This makes the frosting for the top. Beat it until it’s smooth.



Step 5

In cups, bowls, or anything else, create your dirt cups. We started with the Oreos, then the pudding, then the oreos, then the pudding again. At the top, we put the frosting and little gummy worms. Because what’s a dirt cup without gummy worms?IMG_0960


This was a great treat, and it was very easy to make. These dirt cups were delicious and were gone fast in my house. I recommend these for parties or for just an everyday snack. They are as much fun to make as they are to eat!

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