In the mourning lighthouse,
Down by the raging sea,
There lived the Madman’s daughter,
And she was as crazed as he.
Fairwinds blew strands of gold,
Across sweet-tainted pale lips,
That hid her smile and wicked tongue,
Under the light that sung for ships.
Like a shattered mosaic of sparkling sea glass,
Misleadingly in pieces she appeared to be,
But when light struck at the break of dawn,
She was all the colors that he could see.
The Butcher’s son was mad for the Madman’s daughter,
She spun him silly with her Cheshire cat smile
While her feet danced with seashells to a Siren’s tune,
It was she that he wanted to watch walk down the aisle.
But the Madman’s daughter had salt water in her veins,
And her mind was a brutal changing tide,
While the Butcher’s son adored her so,
She would never be his bride.
One rap, two knock, three slam, four,
There was a storm brewing not far off shore,
Vision blurred red from the fire in his core,
And the Butcher’s son broke down the Madman’s door.
His father’s legacy sharp and pristine,
Malicious silver in the insolent son’s hand,
Wide-eyed bystander the full moon became,
As the Madman’s daughter bled into the sand.
And as Death gathered her into his arms,
Singing sweet lullabies of fierce shores,
The Butcher’s boy gasped fateful breathes of seething rage,
“If not mine, then no one shall have the Madman’s whore.”
Death paused, and turned his head,
“My dear boy, someday you will be dead,
And if I we were you I would fear for life’s due,
For when it is your turn to hear the Devil call you by name,
The Madman’s daughter will be the one waiting for you.”
Dread clasped tightly to the Butcher’s son’s throat,
As he remembered her eyes, tameless and feral,
The crooked curve of her hand, and that wicked tainted smile,
In an instant he knew his soul was in peril.
In the mourning lighthouse,
Down by the raging sea,
Here lies the Madman’s daughter,
And she was as crazed as he.