Screen Shot 2014-05-30 at 3.03.19 PM
photo via my instagram @larayacamo

Q: “Dear Lara, I am a week into summer, and I am already bored. Most of my friends have either gone back home or have to work during the week. I want to be active, but all I have been doing is sitting on the couch and watching TV. Got any suggestions on how someone can entertain themselves?”


A: Almost any group activity can be done with just one person. Being by yourself is a great time for self reflection, so it is important to find activities that truly make you happy and keep you entertained. Sitting in a coffee shop and reading a great book is a great way to pass time and entertain yourself. I also find that hiking alone accompanied by a great playlist is a great way to stay active. Want to see a movie that none of your friends want to see? Go and see it! No one is going to judge you for sitting in a theater alone. Just find things that make you happy; that is the most important thing.

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