Be scared. There is good reason to be scared, and don’t let anyone tell you that it’s not scary moving out of your hometown, out …
Dear 14-Year-Old Me: It Wasn’t Your Fault
Kim Love spent most of her life depressed and overweight. Two years ago she was bedridden with depression. Her way out was to …
Dear 15-Year-Old Psych Ward Me
Dear 15-Year-Old Psych Ward Me, I’m the person you’ve been imagining. I’m the one you write about in your journal, the one you think …
Dear Love…
Dear My Love, You’re anxious, confused, and dealing with so many frustrations. I wish there was someone who you could lean on in these dark moments of …
Dear Past Me
Hey, 8th grade me! Things kind of suck right now. You’ve been dealing with depression for a while, and you think everyone expects perfection from …
Dear 16-Year-Old Me: It Gets Better
Dear 16-year-old me, The sole purpose of this letter is to assure you that it gets better. I promise. I know that right now, …
Dear Puny Self
Don’t you dare. How dare you want to leave everyone who loves you? How dare you want to leave us hanging and tease us as …
Dear Past Me
Dear Past Me, Looking back now, I think it’s funny that you are probably sitting there stressing about finishing your two-page persuasive essay AND …
Dear Freshman-Year Me
Dear Freshman-Year Me, So you’re the “new girl” now, and it’s just not the same as middle school, but pick your head up. Don’t you …