amanda mabel silhouette hair
Photo courtesy of Amanda Mabel

If asked to describe your flaws, I would say
that you never think of the power
behind your words.
You think that telling me you’re too numb to talk
will make me give you space, but all it does
is give me sleepless nights and chewed up nail beds.
Before I know it, it’s 3am and I’m wide awake
hoping that you got to sleep okay,
and wondering why I care
so damn much.

They say the eyes are the window to the soul.
Maybe that’s why you refuse to make eye contact
whenever we speak.
You’re a complicated puzzle that I have
made my mission to solve.
But what do you do when the mystery
wants to remain mysterious?
What do you do when the damsel likes her distress?
You tell me that you’re fine alone
and I have a hard time believing you,
but maybe it’s because I have a hard time
being away from you
at all.





Indya Shaw currently resides in Melbourne, Australia, with her small family and two pets. As an only child, Indya spent the majority of her spare time reading novels and poetry, and she believes this influenced her writing style today. She hopes to publish a book of her poetry in the future. Her work can be found on her blog


Amanda Mabel is a fashion and portrait photographer living in Sydney, Australia. Originally from Singapore, she moved to Perth in 2011, then Sydney in 2012. She is currently studying a Bachelor of Arts (Advanced) (Honours) at the University of Sydney. In her free time, she loves taking photographs, travelling to beautiful places, and drinking tea. She also happens to blog for Vogue Australia Spy Style. She maintains a website at and can be found on:  Instagram  Facebook  LinkedIn  Pinterest  Tumblr  Bloglovin Flickr.

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