These 100-word stories were selected as Honorable Mentions. Those who completed this challenge are now encouraged to share their stories in the comments section of the "December Writing Challenge."

Shiny Horo


“The hardest battles are given to the strongest warriors.

If this is true, then why are the weakest ones the first to go to these wars?”

Asked the little one, her mind was not like the others.

The wise men were taken aback. For a moment, their wisdom about everything seemed nothing.

A silence like never before came over the place. The clouds gathered to watch what the elders had to say. Then from the sky came a piercing sound, for the war had begun.

“The Kings call it a sacrifice. We call it a cowardly act.”





I am in my room. Laying and staring at the ceiling. The clock is ticking. I feel nothing and everything at the same time. The room is too small. I am too big. I am taking too much space. I am cringing in my bed. Just breathe. I am looking at the little bottle. My medicine. Can cure me. Can kill me. Should I take it? Or should I overdose? It is happening. Again. I want to die. No. I want to stop existing. Every night is exactly the same. Someday it will stop. Someday I will make a decision.




Anastasia J.

Who are you fighting for? 

“When you have nothing left to fight for; what do you do?” Sophie asked.

“You have to find out who is fighting for you,” Danielle replied, laying his hand on top of hers.

She looked into his eyes and said, “But what if no one is fighting for me?”

“Then you have to find a way to fight for yourself.”

She wished he was wrong because she was exhausted and didn’t want to fight anymore. He only smiled because he knew what she did not — which was that he was going to fight for her, so she wouldn’t have to.



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