She sips Earl Grey out of her antique porcelain teacup, previously shattered then resurrected with gold lacquer. Her hand trembles, the rim unsteady against her mouth. It jerks, splashing the freckles on her nose and burning her twitching upper lip.

Liquid dribbles down her chin, streams down the crevices of her neck lines, and creates a brown stain on her cornsilk collar. Small, circular, noticeable. Identical to the others.

She places the cup on its chipped saucer and adjusts the straps on her wrist brace. Steadying her hand with the other, she tries again.





Krystal Nicol is an Australian-based university student with an overwhelming passion for animals and writing. She is currently double majoring in Creative Writing and Spanish and dabbling in Screenwriting and Editing. When she isn’t reading or writing, she’s probably daydreaming about what she’s going to read and write next.

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