
When our workspaces are cluttered, our minds do not stay on task as well as they could. We are so overwhelmed by the piles of papers and scattered paperclips that our brains can barely focus on the assignment in front of us.

So, as school starts up again, it is important to keep all of your workspaces clean to achieve your optimal academic potential.

Start with the spot that you use to do your homework in your house.

Whether it is a desk in your room or the kitchen table, get it organized!

Make sure you have a set of school supplies at home so that your regular supplies do not go missing.
Having extra pencils and pens is very important since they will be used the most. Keep them in a small pencil case that will stay near your work spot so that they are conveniently nearby and you don’t have to waste time searching the house for them.

In addition, keep an extra desk drawer free or keep a file folder close to your space. That way, you can store any papers that you may need later in the year in a safe place. When finals come along, everything will be filed perfectly.

It is vital that your backpack stays neat and clutter-free throughout the entire year.

The easiest way to achieve this is to make sure that you do not get behind in staying organized. Throw out any garbage that accumulates in your bag.

Any wrappers, papers, or water bottles that you do not need anymore should be put in the garbage right when you get home from school. There is nothing worse than looking for a book in the bottom of your bag and finding a crushed granola bar from the first semester.

Also, utilize all of the pockets that your backpack has in addition to the main compartment. When all of your supplies have a certain spot, you will be able to find everything quickly and easily.

Another place that tends to collect junk is your locker.

It becomes easy and habitual to throw your unfinished lunch into the back of your locker along with flyers that are meant to be brought home.

Break the cycle of messy lockers by only keeping essentials in it. Make sure you have a shelf that holds your books neatly. When textbooks are stacked in a messy pile, they can get damaged and can become harder to find.

Instead of rushing home after school, take a second to make sure your locker is tidy. It will save you time in the long run when you can easily find your books.

Lastly, remember that organization is the best when you find what works for you.

If color-coding your books helps you stay organized, go for it!
No Pinterest DIY or YouTube beauty guru will ever be able to suggest a system of organization that works for everyone.
Have fun getting your stuff organized and stick to whichever method you choose. Have an awesome school year!

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