Let’s skip the pleasantries and obligated polite
remarks. I want to know you. I want you to
tell me the things that you are afraid of, the things
that you are angry about, the things
that you think of when you take too long to
exhale the smoke of your cigarette.
Tell me.
Curses don’t work on me. I don’t believe in bad
luck either. I won’t tell you to leave and not
look back for I will turn into a
pillar of salt like the others have done before. I
have been burnt more than I could count so don’t hold
back, I will open my door for all your burning
meteorites and offer them warm blankets and
hot tea.
Tell me.
I will cherish your secrets, weave them into flowers,
tuck them into your hair and say, you are more beautiful
than your mistakes and flaws.
Tell me.
I am not afraid of your ghosts.
Myrtle Yvonne is a medical student at De La Salle Health Sciences Institute who believes that the Turkey Farm can’t accommodate humanity. You can find her at: theegreywolf.tumblr.com.
Cassoday Harder is a twenty-year-old photographer inspired by youth, femininity, and summer. View more of her work on Flickr or visit her website.