You write
Your hands clutching the keyboard
Your mind grasping
Your eyes wander, searching
For something,
For someone,
For a reason.
Bitten lip, the taste of blood,
Crescent fingernail marks on skin
Angry stars that shine down on you,
Their light like fire,
Yet your mind is blank and dark
Forgotten things, unforgotten
Things all unsaid, unwritten,
Chances missed, opportunities swallowed,
A sea of glowing meteorites, that didn’t fall
But hang there,
In low gravity,
Bits of this and that,
That will never make it
Go there; take something
Leave something that you never wanted
Trade a forgotten for an unwanted,
Is that how it works?
Oh darling,
You write so beautifully,
The inside of your mind must be a terrible place.


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