after DeMulder “After graduation, you will change a hundred times over, like a revolving door, a waterfall.” You will get younger before you get …
Wish You Were Here
Ever see those postcards when you take a trip somewhere? Jot down a quick blurb and send it to someone you are thinking of back …
To a Younger Self
You will often wonder if there is a chance of you actually being jettisoned from your native planet into this one. Because, really, what other …
Dear Me, What Made You Change Like This?
Dear me, You’re going to turn 19 this year. I still remember the little me memories, they feel like they belong to someone not …
Don’t Be Scared. Go. Love.
You will meet someone who will give a new definition to your name — like it suddenly means the whole universe and has room for every …
Dear Future Me
Dear future me, By the time you read this, you will be 23. You will have a Bachelor’s degree in whatever you are going …
Things I Wish I Was Told Earlier
i. If it’s 2 A.M. and you’re trying to study for that algebra test you have tomorrow, but there is a lump in your throat …
You Don’t Need a Man to Feel Worthwhile and Beautiful
Dear You, . You are about to start high school, and I can see how lost you feel. You walk into the school and are …
Dear High School Me
Dear High School Me, Wow, you are one busy girl! School, sports, forensics, music, work, boyfriend, family, friends…they are all taking your time. And, …