“You’d be pretty if only you had pale skin.” “Aach. You’re so dark.” ”We’ll probably lose you in the dark.” I heard those comments frequently enough from a lot of people that I started to get used to them before I even reached my teenage years. My parents and siblings called me negra or Kirara, based on a character with dark skin and curly hair from a Philippine TV show that was apparently aired before I was even born. Growing up, I felt like everyone and everything treated my color as something to be frowned upon instead …
Letting Go of My Eating Disorder
When I entered my nutritionist’s office in mid-January 2013, I had no idea I was about to face one of the biggest challenges of my …
Lifehack: How to Avoid Added Nitrates in Food
When I got my article assignment for this month, I had no idea what a nitrate was or how to avoid one. Put that down …
Sun-Teens and Their Sunscreens
It’s summertime! What does that mean? Beautiful golden tans… right? Don’t magazines tell us that if you wear tanning oils with the lowest SPF, then …
Nubian Skin: A Different Kind of “Nude”
Nude bras and hosiery are staples in every woman’s wardrobe. However, when we think of nude undergarments, only one color comes to mind: a light …
Don’t Allow PMS to Conquer Your Life!
The female body goes through many physical changes during a woman’s lifetime. Women at any age may come across the hormonal changes that affect not only her …
Eurocentric Beauty Standards: A Global Disease
As the US has grown to be one of the most powerful countries, our society’s standards of “beauty” have been thrust into other parts of …
The Thigh Gap
For centuries women have been finding new things to change about their bodies, new ways to “improve” themselves, new standards they feel they need to …
Real Talk About Real Bodies
I am a 15-year-old girl living in America, and I am very involved and interested in fashion and modern media. Of course, I am constantly …