“I wish I could invent something like blue jeans. Something to be remembered for.” –Andy Warhol

Fulfilling some unspoken prophecy, blue jeans have been a staple in trendsetting since their cultural explosion in the 1950s. Denim proves again and again to be a cheap yet sturdy material that transcends through every fad that fashion throws at us. While we may have seen some fashion no-nos over the years (please reference a matching ensemble worn by then-coupled Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake circa
2001), there still can be no denying that denim is and always will be a key ingredient of any season’s must-have ensembles.
Fast forward to 2015; summer trends have left quite a gap to be filled transitioning from bright rose prints and Limoncello key chains to a more somber-colored season like fall. However, you’ll find a glammed up denim A-line dress at Kate Spade outlet current to season, the newest ombre idea of chambray hanging in any Old Navy circular, and, of course, even the $5 dollar bin at Walmart will sport some kind of spandex, faux-denim legging you can wear to portray that denim look for cheap. Fortunately for most of us, gender-based styles are falling from trend, and re-purposing style from a post-apocalyptic Bowie age happens to be cool. What’s great about that you make ask? Every. Damn. Thing.

If you can pull off a high-waisted acid wash jeans and crop top that you bought for $2.73 at your local Goodwill, then, congratulations, you have reached Hipster Hype pinnacle and every handlebar mustache in a 3-mile radius will suddenly request to follow you on Instagram.

Denim happens to be as good for the body as the color black, giving the slimming illusion we so covet when trying on several outfits from our closet before heading out for the day. Being the anti-fashionable will make you fashionable. Not to say designers aren’t stretching themselves to keep up.
You can find ’80s inspired garb floating $1,200 tags at most hoity-toity high-end boutiques, and as much as I put them down, I ogle from the street side window as much as the next fashionista. Luckily, similar looks can be found for literally a fraction of the cost, while possibly checking a box in your “ethical consumerism” bucket list by recycling what already was and making it your own.
Ready-to-wear or opt to customize, I’d suggest this coming season you find a vintage denim jacket and an old floral crop top, and then you rock that baby with the best worn moto boots you can salvage. You can find numerous ideas online. Here are two ’80s-inspired, gender neutral outfits that can easily be copied just by taking a stroll through your local Salvation Army.
Don’t be afraid to blur the gender lines:

Not sure what to do with your ripped denim shorts from summer? Wear them in the fall by adding some tights underneath!

Fashion is interpretive, so do what you feel suits you best and try stepping outside the box.
Jessilyn King is a 25-year-old single mom. She works in high end fashion retail but writes in any and all found free time between work and wrangling her 4-year-old. She’s obsessed with 19th century literature, Star Wars, and cooking. She was lucky enough to travel the world in her youth and has a deep love of history. She’s outdoorsy in that she likes to drink wine on her balcony. And by balcony, she means her couch, while watching Game of Thrones.