You should’ve talked to me That one time I needed you to When you could’ve told me anything And I’d have listened anyway It might …
Game Night by Jasmina Kuenzli
Let’s play a game Call it: tag Call it–I’ll chase you Now you chase me Call it–my hand reaching for yours As you run away …
Nursing a Hangover by Becky Green
My stomach churns, My head pounds, And my heart burns, Most of the memories from last night are clouded. However, I remember the irrelevant things. …
Danger Ahead by Satvika Jain
You never liked car rides because first you’d get sleepy, and when you couldn’t sleep, you’d get dizzy. Sometimes those rides would be bearable, if …
Being Slightly in Love with You by Cie Miraflor
It is terrifying this slightness. Being slightly in love with you frightens me terribly. I am not a woman worthy of poetry or songs or Polaroids taken and taped on walls and refrigerator …
Never by Moyurie Som
I never wanted to fall in love with you. I never wanted it to happen that way, never meant to let the news of your existence …
Galaxy by Rita Smith
I don’t want to just “date” him. I want to crack open his soul and extract every nightmare, daydream, and aspiration he has ever had. …
social by Geena Kloeppel
whale whale whale ;means I miss you means I’m thinking about the last time we stared at each other for eleven long seconds and then …
Oasis by Lillie Busch
My skin bakes beneath my clothes. Dusty dry ground crackles beneath our feet. There is a low humming of bugs, and I know that I’ll …