We are giants invading the kingdom of our childhood
And walking into the basement was like touching how old we are.
And we both want someone to grow old with
But isn’t that exactly what we’re doing?
Growing old together.
I’ve seen you at your most awkward,
You’ve seen me at my most annoying,
But we stuck by each other
Saw the light at the end of the tunnel
One that we’re both still heading towards.

We are giants staring down at memories
Of movies of stuffed animals
And homemade music videos.
Of new schools
And the discovery of crushes.
Of art and physics
And lunches.
Of parks and inside jokes
And Tumblr and feminism.

We are giants feeling clumsy and destructive
And wishing to go back to those times
When our actions could go unnoticed
And we could fit in smaller spaces
And pain was a skinned knee and not a broken world
And being lost didn’t feel like the end of our lives.

We are giants
And we don’t fit into that world anymore
But we’ll find a new one
Big enough for us




Rachel WaringRachel Waring is a sophomore at Christopher Newport University. She is studying for her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and a minor in Philosophy and Religious Studies.

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